Saturday, September 5, 2009


Post Indictment
1. Indictment
An indictment is a written statement of the essential facts
constituting the crime charged. The Rules Governing the
Courts of the State of New Jersey require that the indictment be
signed by the prosecuting attorney and endorsed by the foreman
of the grand jury as a True Bill. The indictment must also state
the official statute citation for the crime charged. See R. 3:7-3.
Once an indictment has been returned, it is filed with the court,
either by returning it to the Assignment Judge or the Criminal
Presiding Judge R. 3:6-8(a). Once returned, the judge can
order that the indictment be kept secret, i.e., sealed, until the

In many counties indictments are "returned" to the Criminal Presiding Judge. See, R. 1:33-6(a)
defendant is arrested or the indictment is ordered unsealed by
the court.