8. a. Notwithstanding any provision in this act to the contrary, expunged or sealed records may be used to facilitate the State Treasurer's collection of any court-ordered financial assessments that remain due at the time an expungement or sealing of records is granted by the court. The term "court-ordered financial assessment" as used herein and throughout this section means and includes any fine, fee, penalty, restitution, and other form of financial assessment imposed by the court as part of the sentence for the conviction or convictions that are the subject of the expungement or sealing order, for which payment of restitution takes precedence in accordance with chapter 46 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes. Information regarding the nature of such financial assessments or their derivation from expunged or sealed records shall not be disclosed to the public. Any record of a civil judgment for the unpaid portion of any court-ordered financial assessment that may be docketed after the court has granted an expungement or sealing of records shall be entered in the name of the Treasurer, State of New Jersey. The State Treasurer shall thereafter administer such judgments without disclosure of any information related to the underlying nature of the assessments.
b. (Deleted by amendment, P.L.2019, c.269)
L.2017, c.244, s.14; amended 2019, c.269, s.14.
b. (Deleted by amendment, P.L.2019, c.269)
L.2017, c.244, s.14; amended 2019, c.269, s.14.