Thursday, February 27, 2020

2C :52-29 Fees waived for certain expungement applications.

2C :52-29  Fees waived for certain expungement applications.
   2C :52-29.   Any person who files an application pursuant to this chapter shall not be charged a fee for applying for an expungement, and any fee set forth in the Rules of Court, which was, based on the Supreme Court's temporary authority pursuant to sections 12 through 15, and 17 through 19 of P.L.2014, c.31 (C.2B:1-7 through C.2B:1-13), a revision or supplement by the Supreme Court to the fee charged pursuant to this section prior to its amendment by P.L.2019, c.269 (C.2C:52-5.1 et al.), is void.