(a) Fines and Forfeitures. Moneys received by a court as fines or forfeitures, together with the financial reports covering such funds, shall be forwarded by the court on or before the fifteenth day of each month as follows:
(1) To the custodian of the funds of the municipality where such moneys were received in the course of enforcing municipal ordinances or local regulations, if assessed and collected by the municipal court or to the custodian of the funds of the municipality in which the violation occurred, if assessed and collected by the Special Civil Part of the Superior Court.
(2) To the custodian of the funds of the municipality or of the county, or to such state agency or officer, as the case may be, where the money was collected in the course of enforcing state laws and regulations, as provided by law.
(b) Receipts and Disbursements. The court shall keep an accurate account of all fees, costs and moneys received, as well as of any money disbursed and to whom disbursed. Receipts shall be turned over to the appropriate municipal, county or state finance officer, or deposited as soon after receipt as practical, in a bank or banks authorized to do business in this State. No disbursement shall be made except by check drawn on such bank. The court shall issue or cause to be issued and shall obtain a receipt in the form and manner prescribed by the Administrative Director of the Courts in every instance where money is received or disbursed.
(c) Electronic Payments of Court Fees and Financial Obligations. The various municipal, central and joint municipal courts may accept electronic payments for fees, costs, fines, penalties, service charges or other judicially imposed financial obligations pursuant to conditions and administrative procedures established by the Administrative Director of the Courts.
(d) Payment of Moneys Due. No moneys due the court, its employees, or any persons attending upon it, for salaries, fees, costs or other charges shall be deducted from receipts, but shall be paid only on a voucher submitted by the court to the appropriate finance officer.
(e) Docket: Fiscal Forms and Procedures: Record-Keeping. The court shall maintain such separate dockets in such form as the Administrative Director of the Courts prescribes. All fiscal forms, procedures and record-keeping shall conform to the requirements of the Administrative Director of the Courts.
Note: Source-R. (1969) 7:10-4. Adopted October 6, 1997 to be effective February 1, 1998.