Monday, August 17, 2009

3:22-7. Docketing; Service on Prosecutor; Assignment for Disposition

3:22-7. Docketing; Service on Prosecutor; Assignment for Disposition
The [clerk] criminal division manager shall make an entry of the filing of the
petition in the proceedings in which the conviction took place, and, if it is filed pro se,
shall forthwith transmit a copy thereof to the prosecutor of the county. If an attorney
files the petition, that attorney shall serve a copy thereof on the prosecutor before filing
and shall file proof, certification or acknowledgment of service with the petition. The
[clerk] criminal division manager shall promptly notify the Criminal Presiding Judge
[Assignment Judge or judge designated by the Assignment Judge] of the filing of the
petition, [who] and the Criminal Presiding Judge shall forthwith refer the matter for
disposition to a trial judge.