New Jersey Judiciary
Additional Questions for Certain Drug and Weapons Offenses
Committed on or After June 24, 1998
Revised Form Promulgated by Directive #14-08 (10/08/2008), CN 11169-English page 1 of 1
The following questions need to be answered if you are pleading guilty to certain drug offenses and also
are pleading guilty to possession of a firearm or other weapon while committing, attempting to commit
or conspiring to commit any of the following offenses. If a firearm was possessed, answer questions 1
a, b and c. If a firearm was not possessed, mark question 1a not applicable [NA] and answer questions
1b and c.
1. Do you understand that if you plead guilty to any of the following offenses: leader of a narcotics
trafficking network (2C:35-3); operating a controlled dangerous substance production facility
(2C:35-4); manufacturing a controlled dangerous substance (2C:35-5) distribution, possession or
manufacture of gamma hydroxybututyrate (2C:35-5.2); distribution, possession or manufacture of
flunitrazepam (2C:35-5.3); employing a juvenile in drug distribution (2C:35-6); distributing,
dispensing or possessing with intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance within 1,000 feet
of school property (2C:35-7); distributing, dispensing or possessing a controlled dangerous
substance within 500 feet of a public housing facility, park or building (2C:35-7.1); or, distribution,
possession or manufacture of an imitation controlled dangerous substance (2C:35-11)
a. you also plead guilty to possessing a firearm while
committing, attempting to commit or conspiring to commit
any of these offenses you will receive a consecutive
sentence for possessing the weapon?
[Yes] [No] [NA]
b. you also plead guilty to possessing a weapon, other than a
firearm, for an unlawful purpose while committing,
ttempting to commit or conspiring to commit any of these
offenses you will receive a consecutive sentence for
possessing the weapon for an unlawful purpose?
[Yes] [No] [NA]
c. you also plead guilty to possessing a weapon, other than a
firearm, under circumstances not manifestly appropriate for
lawful use of the weapon while committing, attempting to
commit or conspiring to commit any of these offenses you
will receive a consecutive sentence for possessing the
[Yes] [No] [NA]
Date Defendant
Defense Attorney