30:4-27.27. Written notice to Attorney General of anticipated release, discharge
30:4-27.27. Written notice to Attorney General of anticipated release, discharge
4. a. When it appears that a person may meet the criteria of a sexually violent predator as defined in this act, the agency with jurisdiction shall give written notice to the Attorney General 90 days, or as soon as practicable, prior to:
(1) the anticipated release from total confinement of a person who has been convicted of or adjudicated delinquent for a sexually violent offense;
(2) any commitment status review hearing at which the Department of Human Services intends to recommend discharge or believes that discharge may be likely, for a person who has been civilly committed pursuant to N.J.S.2C:4-8 following acquittal by reason of insanity for a sexually violent offense; or
(3) any hearing at which the Department of Human Services intends to recommend discharge or believes that discharge may be likely, for any person civilly committed based upon a determination that the person lacked mental competence to stand trial pursuant to N.J.S.2C:4-6, if the person had been charged with a sexually violent offense.
When such notice is given, the agency with jurisdiction shall provide the Attorney General with all information relevant to a determination of whether the person may be a sexually violent predator, including, without regard to classification as confidential pursuant to regulations of the agency with jurisdiction, any preparole report, psychological and medical records, any statement of the reasons for denial of parole and a statement from the agency with jurisdiction of the reasons for its determination that the person may be a sexually violent predator.
All information, documents and records concerning the person's mental condition or which are classified as confidential pursuant to statute or regulations of the agency with jurisdiction that are received or provided pursuant to this section shall be deemed confidential. Unless authorized or required by court order or except as required in the course of judicial proceedings relating to the person's commitment or release, disclosure of such information, documents and records shall be limited to a professional evaluating the person's condition pursuant to this section, the Attorney General and a member of the Attorney General's staff as necessary to the performance of duties imposed pursuant to this section and, if the person is committed, to the staff at the institution providing treatment.
Any individual acting in good faith who has provided information relevant to a person's need for involuntary commitment under this act or has taken steps in good faith to assess a person's need of involuntary commitment under this act is immune from civil or criminal liability.
The provisions of this section are not jurisdictional, and failure to comply with them in no way prevents the Attorney General from initiating a proceeding against a person otherwise subject to the provisions of this act, nor do the provisions of this act in any way foreclose a proceeding under the provisions of P.L.1987, c.116 (C.30:4-27.1 et seq.) for the involuntary commitment of any person charged with or convicted of a sexual offense.
L.1998, c.71, s.4.
30:4-27.28. Initiation of court proceeding for involuntary commitment
5. a. The Attorney General may initiate a court proceeding for involuntary commitment under this act of a person who is currently a patient in a short-term care facility, State or county psychiatric facility or special psychiatric hospital, by submitting to the court a clinical certificate for a sexually violent predator completed by a psychiatrist at the facility at which the person is a patient and the screening certificate which authorized admission of the person to the facility; but both certificates shall not be signed by the same psychiatrist unless the psychiatrist has made a reasonable but unsuccessful attempt to have another psychiatrist conduct the evaluation and execute the certificate.
If civil commitment is not initiated pursuant to subsection a. of this section, the Attorney General may initiate a court proceeding for the involuntary commitment of a person by the submission to the court of two clinical certificates for a sexually violent predator, at least one of which is prepared by a psychiatrist. The person shall not be involuntarily committed pursuant to this act before the court issues a temporary court order. When the Attorney General determines that the public safety requires initiation of a proceeding pursuant to this subsection, the Attorney General may apply to the court for an order compelling the psychiatric evaluation of the person. The court shall grant the Attorney General's application if the court finds that there is reasonable cause to believe that the person named in the petition is a sexually violent predator.
The Attorney General may initiate a court proceeding for involuntary commitment under this act of an inmate who is scheduled for release upon expiration of a maximum term of incarceration by submission to the court of two clinical certificates for a sexually violent predator, at least one of which is prepared by a psychiatrist.
The Attorney General, in exercise of the State's authority as parens patriae, may initiate a court proceeding for the involuntary commitment of any person in accordance with the procedures set forth in this section by filing the required submission with the court in the jurisdiction in which the person whose commitment is sought is located.
Any individual who is a relative by blood or marriage of the person being examined who executes a clinical certificate for a sexually violent predator, or any individual who signs such a clinical certificate for any purpose or motive other than for purposes of care, treatment and confinement of a person in need of involuntary commitment, shall be guilty of a crime of the fourth degree.
Upon receiving these documents, the court shall immediately review them in order to determine whether there is probable cause to believe that the person is a sexually violent predator.
If the court finds that there is probable cause to believe that the person is a sexually violent predator in need of involuntary commitment, it shall issue an order setting a date for a final hearing and authorizing temporary commitment to a secure facility designated for the custody, care and treatment of sexually violent predators pending the final hearing. In no event shall the person be released from confinement prior to the final hearing.
In the case of a person committed to a short-term care facility or special psychiatric hospital, after the facility's treatment team conducts a mental and physical examination, administers appropriate treatment and prepares a discharge assessment, the facility shall transfer the person to a secure facility designated for the custody, care and treatment of sexually violent predators pending the final hearing upon providing the person, the person's guardian if any, the person's next-of-kin and the person's attorney 24 hours' advance notice of the pending transfer. Such transfer is to be accomplished in a manner which will give the receiving facility adequate time to examine the person, become familiar with the person's behavior and condition, and prepare for the hearing.
L.1998, c.71, s.5.
30:4-27.29. Court hearing
6. a. A person who is involuntarily committed pursuant to section 5 of this act shall receive a court hearing with respect to the issue of continuing need for involuntary commitment as a sexually violent predator within 20 days from the date of the temporary commitment order.
The Attorney General is responsible for presenting the case for the person's involuntary commitment as a sexually violent predator to the court.
A person subject to involuntary commitment shall have counsel present at the hearing and shall not be permitted to appear at the hearing without counsel.
L.1998, c.71, s.6.