52:4B-42 Victim-witness rights information program.
52:4B-42 Victim-witness rights information program.
The victim-witness rights information program shall:
Provide victims or their representatives with information about the availability of social and medical services, especially emergency and social services available in the
immediate geographical area;
Provide victims or their representatives with information about possible compensation under the "Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of 1971," P.L.1971, c.317 (C.52:4B-1 et seq.) and of the sentencing court's authority to order restitution under chapter 43 of Title
of the New Jersey Statutes;
Provide victims or their representatives with information about how to contact the appropriate county office of victim-witness advocacy and the appropriate county prosecutor's office;
Provide a 24-hour toll-free hotline telephone number for victims and witnesses to call with inquiries concerning the information and services available pursuant to this act;
Provide victims and witnesses with a detailed description of the rights established under the Crime
Bill of Rights created by P.L.1985, c.249 (C.52:4B-34 et seq.) and Article I, paragraph 22 of the New Jersey Constitution;
Gather available information from victim assistance programs throughout the country and make that information available to the Office of Victim-Witness Advocacy, police agencies, hospitals, prosecutors' offices, the courts, and other agencies that provide assistance to victims of crimes;
Sponsor conferences to bring together personnel working in the field of victim assistance and compensation to exchange methods and procedures for improving and expanding services to victims;
Provide assistance to victims without charge, which assistance shall include information and advice relative to filing a claim with the board, emergency food and clothing, employment opportunities, referral to other social service agencies, and in obtaining legal advice or representation; and
Conduct training programs for attorneys and victim service providers.